Multipurpose Specialty Hose
Push-on air hose fits this category, but also included would be our PVC air hose, non-conductive air hose, and paint-spray air hose. All of these multipurpose specialty hoses have special construction features that make them ideal for their intended use. Unisource push-on air hose is built with a spiral textile reinforcement with precise bias angles so that push-on, no-clamp fittings can be used. PVC air hose is manufactured with economical PVC tube and cover. It offers durability at a low price-point. Unisource non-conductive air hose is constructed with highly specialized rubber materials that will offer a non-conductive product in terms of prevailing industry standards. Our paint industry spray hose combines a special chemical resistant rubber tube with a reinforcing angle that will accommodate the common reusable fittings for this industry.
For more standard multipurpose hose, refer to our Multipurpose Air Hose section. If your application calls for the most rugged drilling hose, check out our Air Drill Hose – Mandrel Built section.
None of the air & multipurpose hose listed here should be used for petroleum or oil service. Go to our Petroleum Hose section for information on hoses suitable for this service.